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Purpose and Intent
These rules and regulations were established by the Almiya Homeowners’ Association, Inc. (AHAI) to ensure order and proper maintenance of village amenities such as the clubhouse, swimming pool, and other facilities.
They are being provided:

  • as specific rules and regulations to be strictly followed by association members and their visitors  when utilizing common sports and recreational facilities at Almiya  Homeowners Association

  • to serve the best interests and preserve common properties of members of the Almiya Homeowners Association Inc.

Membership and Use of Amenities
Only members in good standing of Almiya Homeowners Association, Inc. have the right to use any and all of the sports and recreational facilities of Almiya under the terms and conditions set on this document.

General Rules
1. Amenities and facilities at Almiya Homeowners Association, Inc, are designed for the exclusive use and enjoyment of its residents and long-term lessees as well as their guests include the following:   

Clubhouse with
a. Social Hall/Function Room
b. Adult and children’s swimming pools
c. Outdoor basketball court
d. Children’s playground 

2. Users of all facilities are kindly requested to refer to and strictly observe the rules and regulations articulated in this document as well as those prominently posted at respective sites.
3. All amenities and recreational facilities areas are smoke-free zones.

4. Suspended and delinquent AHAI members are not allowed to avail of these facilities during the period of their delinquency.

5. AHAI and Property Management shall not be held responsible for any untoward incident resulting in any harm or injury that may occur to any person or persons using the facilities.

6. Only guests accompanied by a member shall be accommodated under a system involving corresponding fees.

7. Security Guards on duty are in charge of enforcing these rules and regulations. Any disagreement between a member or guest and such an enforcer will be referred to the administration office officer in charge.
8. All members and guests must observe proper decorum and attire.
9. AHAI reserves the right to refuse any individual or group the use of its facilities.
10. AHAI and the Property Management shall not be responsible for any valuables lost or damaged during the use of any of the facilities.
11. Members using the facilities/amenities shall be held responsible for damages caused by their guests to such facilities/ amenities. Damage assessment can be accomplished jointly by the member, the guest and AHAI representative.




swimming pool

basketball court



Clubhouse Guidelines


  1. Users of the social hall and pantry are expected to observe proper behavior at all times and notindulge in any overly noisy or boisterous activities, in accordance with the village rules and guidelines.

  2.  Users should keep the social hall and pantry tidy and reasonably clean after use. The member, member’s caterer or event organizer is responsible for the clean-up after the event and must provide their own trash bags or receptacles and take these away with them when they leave the village.

  3. Catering crew members should be dressed properly while inside the village.

  4. Controlled substances and firecrackers/pyrotechnic materials are strictly prohibited.

  5. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the village clubhouse.

  6. Vandalism, theft, and other forms of inappropriate behavior are ground for immediate expulsion from the premises.

  7. Neither pets or animals nor bicycles or tricycles are permitted.

  8. Gambling is not allowed in the social hall or pantry.

  9. The AHAI  and the Property Management will not be responsible for any damage, injuries or loss sustained by people while using the social hall, its facilities and the pantry.

  10. The AHAI Board of Directors/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice.



Book your schedule THREE (3) days prior.


Swimming Pool Guidelines


  1. THREE (3) days prior to actual use

  2. A “No Lifeguard on Duty” sign shall be displayed at the poolside

  3. Maximum of 10 persons only are allowed at a given time

  4. Swimmers should be fully vaccinated; proof of vaccination is required

  5. Operating Hours 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  6. A signed waiver is required, stating that the Almiya HOA shall not be held liable/responsible for any injuries caused by or resulting from the use of Almiya swimming pool


  1. Swimming pools are for the exclusive use of AHAI members, residents, tenants in good standing and their immediate dependents only. 

  2. The pools will be officially available for use from 7:00am to 10:00pm only. Night swimming is considered from 6:00pm to 10:00pm only. Due care and caution should be taken by all users of the pools and its surroundings (including shower rooms) to avoid injury or accidents. The Association will not be responsible for any untoward or unfortunate incidents arising from the use of the pools at any time.

  3. The number of guests of any resident using the pool must not exceed ten (20) at any time.

  4. Only swimsuits and swimming trunks are allowed as proper swimming attire.

  5. Children (12) years old and below are not allowed in the swimming pools unless accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

  6. Users of the pools are expected to observe proper behavior at all times and not to indulge in any excessively noisy or boisterous activities. Strictly no diving from the edge of the pool. No pushing or roughhousing around the pools. “Splash bombing” and water polo are strictly prohibited.

  7. A swimmer and/or his host will be held responsible for damages resulting in the indiscriminate use of pool equipment/ facilities.

  8. Persons suffering from any infectious/contagious diseases, cough, colds, communicable diseases or with open wounds are not permitted to use the pools.

  9.  Eating and drinking of non-alcohol beverages are allowed only in designated areas near the pool.

  10.  Smoking is not allowed in the pool area.

  11.  Domestic pets are not allowed in and about the pool area.

  12. No radios or any electronic gadgets maybe brought into a pool. Portable or handheld electronic gadgets can be used at pool side but should be operated at volumes that will not disturb others.

  13. Swimmers shall not be allowed from using the pool during thunderstorms and other severe weather disturbances.

  14.  Gambling, littering, spitting, are strictly prohibited.

  15.  The Clubhouse guard is empowered to enforce the rules relating to use of the pools. He shall have the right to request any person to leave the pools whose conduct in the professional opinion of authorized representative of the association is considered untoward or endangering.

  16.  A swimmer and/or his host will be held responsible for damages resulting in the indiscriminate use of pool equipment/ facilities.

  17. Swimming lessons can be conducted only after permission is secured from the administration office.

  18.  The Property Management reserves the right to refuse entry to the pool to any person suffering from any infectious disease or to someone who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or for whatever reason, the Property Management may consider unsafe and/or unwise for everyone concerned.

  19.  The AHAI Board of Directors/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice



  • Check the pool Chlorine level and pH level every day. Maintain proper chlorine and pH level at all times. The chlorine level should be 1-10ppm CI and the pH level should be 7.2-7.8.

  • Thirty minutes gap before the next Exclusive User can use the swimming pool for disinfection.



swiing pool fees.png
Basketball Court Guidelines


a. Pay the Fee, at the admin office, THREE (3) days prior to the scheduled use; present the OR to the guard on duty before using the court -The Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.


b. Basketball Court opens from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM, with a .thirty (30) minutes interval for the next user.

c. Guests/ visitors must be accompanied by Almiya Homeowners. Only Homeowners/Residents with updated Association Dues can use the facilities.



  1. The court is for the exclusive use of AHAI members, residents, tenants and their immediate dependents.

  2.  Guests may be allowed to use the court as long as they are accompanied or sponsored by a member. Sponsored guests should present his/her authorization letter from a member prior to use.

  3. The use of the court will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

  4. No entry to the court is permitted upon hoisting of storm signal No. 2 or any higher public storm warning signal.

  5. Outdoor Basketball court is open from 6 am to 5 pm. For the use of the court later than 6:00 pm, a fee of Php250.00 per hour will be charged for the use of the electricity

  6.  The reservation of the courts for all games, tournaments, practices, and other events will strictly be on a “first come, first-served basis” with a maximum of two (2) playing dates per reservation except for AHAI approved tournaments. All requests for the reservation of the court should be obtained first from the Property Management office.

  7. A reservation is good for a maximum of two (2) hours. However, when no reservation is made for the succeeding hours at the same date, teams or groups on the court may be allowed to extend their allotted time.

  8.  Players are required to use the proper playing shoes and attire when playing on the court.

  9.  The host member is responsible for the clean-up after a game.

  10.  Rough playing, vandalism, and other indiscriminate behavior are not permitted.

  11.  Smoking, use of alcohol or controlled substances, littering, gambling are prohibited in the court area.

  12.  In the case of games played at night, the security guard on duty shall turn on the lights upon presentation of documents as proof of reservation by Administration.

  13.  AHAI and the Property Management will not be responsible for any damage, injuries or loss sustained by people while using the court.

  14. The Property Management reserves the right to make the court unavailable for use for purposes of carrying-out repair and maintenance work or where inclement weather prohibits the safe use of the court.

  15. The AHAI Board of Directors reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice.

  16. AHAI Board of Directors/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice.

FEES (for light and maintenance) Exclusive use

Children’s Playground Guidelines
  1. The children’s playground will be open from 6:00 am to 6:00pm. The Property Management reserves the right to close the Children’s Playground to allow for cleaning and maintenance.

  2.  No entry to the children’s playground is permitted upon hoisting of storm signal No. 2 or any higher public storm-warning signal.

  3. The use of the children’s playground will be on a first-come-first-served basis. The playground is designed for children, ages 3-12.

  4. An adult must accompany children at all times. Adults accompanying children are responsible for their safety.

  5. Guests are only allowed to use the children’s playground when accompanied/sponsored by a resident.

  6. Pets are not allowed in the children’s playground.

  7. Smoking is not allowed in the Children’s Playground.

  8. The AHAI and Property Management are not liable for any accident, injury or loss that may be suffered or incurred by anyone in the play area.

  9. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take all necessary steps and precautions to safeguard children at play.

  10. The AHAI Board of Directors /Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice.

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