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Vehicle Registration and Car Pass Sticker
No. 2022-035

​Date: Nov 20, 2023

WHEREAS, Almiya Homeowners Association, Inc. (AHAI) is committed to maintaining the safety, security, and order within our community;

WHEREAS, it is essential to regulate the use and access to all roads within the village to ensure the welfare and security of all homeowners and residents;

WHEREAS, AHAI recognizes the need to require all homeowners to register their vehicles, including both four-wheel and two-wheel vehicles, and obtain an AHAI Car Pass Sticker for effective access control;

WHEREAS, AHAI aims to provide the opportunity for members in good standing and school bus drivers to obtain the AHAI Car Pass Sticker, subject to the payment of the corresponding fee;


1. Vehicle Registration and Car Pass Sticker Requirement
All homeowners within Almiya are required to register all their vehicles (both four-wheel and two-wheel vehicles) and obtain an AHAI Car Pass Sticker for each registered vehicle. Only vehicles with AHAI stickers will be given immediate access to the village.

2. Eligibility for AHAI Car Pass Sticker
2.1 Only members in good standing and school bus drivers are eligible to obtain AHAI Car Pass Stickers.
2.2 The AHAI Car Pass Sticker may be obtained from the Administration Office, either through online application or onsite application at Admin office.

3. Requirements for Obtaining AHAI Car Pass Sticker
3.1 For each vehicle type (four-wheel and two-wheel), the following documents must be submitted:

a. Copy of Certificate of Registration (CR)
b. Copy of Official Receipt (OR)
c. Sticker Fee - Php100
d. For company service vehicles: Copy of Official Receipt (OR) and company ID

4. Sticker Application Process
4.1 Only authorized representatives of the Association shall be responsible for affixing the AHAI Car Pass Stickers on the windshields of registered vehicles.
4.2 AHAI Car Pass Stickers shall be renewable on an annual basis.

5. Implementation and Compliance: 
5.1 All residents, or 'vecinos,' are required to adhere to the sticker policy within 60 days from the commencement of its implementation.

6. Liability Disclaimer
6.1 The Almiya Homeowners Association, Inc. shall be free from any liability for any untoward incidents or damages that may occur arising from or during the use of motor vehicles and/or the use of village stickers within Almiya. The issuance of this sticker does not carry any acceptance of liability on the part of AHAI.

This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval.
RESOLVED, this Nov 20, 2023, at a meeting of the Almiya Homeowners Association, Inc. Board of Directors.

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