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Almiya Pet Policy 

Almiya Board Resolution 2022-027

Keeping of pets shall be conditional upon strict compliance with these rules:


1. Definition of Pet

Residents shall be allowed to keep the following pets in their premises: dogs, cats, birds, and aquarium or pond fish. Cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry animals or the like are not allowed and may not be maintained within the lots or units.


2. Registration

Residents who own dogs and/or cats must register their dogs and/or cats with the Association. Submission of the vet card (original) can be done online through Almiya Pet Registration or through the AHAI Admin will photocopy the vaccination card. Registered dogs and cats will be issued Pet IDs. For dogs, their pet IDs must be attached to the leash and should be visible to the security personnel while the dogs are being walked or outside the homes. Pet IDs shall indicate the pet’s vaccination history. Security Guards may randomly inspect IDs to ensure that they are up-to-date and current. IDs are renewable every year. Implementing guidelines are to be determined by the Board. Minimal fee for lamination of the Almiya Pet ID card.
AHAI admin will contact you after you register.















3. Vaccinations

Each owner or tenant is required to have their pets on the premises vaccinated against rabies and other required vaccinations valid for the period within which the dogs/cats are on the premises. Submission of the vet card (original) then the AHAI Admin will photocopy the vaccination card. Vaccination records must be submitted to the Almiya Administration annually. The AHAI Administration shall maintain a database to determine if vaccinations are up-to-date. 


REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9482 “Anti-Rabies Act of 2007”
Sec. 9. Impounding Field Control and Disposition of Unregistered, Stray and  Unvaccinated Dogs. - Unregistered, Stray or unvaccinated Dogs shall be put in Dog Pounds and disposed of, taking into consideration the following guidelines:
(1) Unregistered, Stray or unvaccinated Dogs shall be impounded and kept in the LGU’s designated Dog Pound.
(2) Impounded Dogs not claimed after three days from the Dog Pound shall be placed for adoption to qualified persons, with the assistance of an animal welfare NGO, when feasible, or otherwise disposed of in any manner authorized, subject to the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 8485, otherwise known as the “Animal Welfare Act of 1998”.
(3) A fee shall be paid by Owners of Impounded Dogs to the LGU concerned, pursuant to Section 7 hereof.

4. Walking Hours

At no time can pets be walked on neighbors’ yard or garage area.


5. Disabilities

Owners who are unable to walk their pets due to their permanent or protected physical conditions may authorize any of their household help who is qualified and trained to walk their pets to substitute for them. The pet owners however shall be liable for any mishap or accidents that may be caused by their pets.


6. Leash

Pets, most especially dogs, must be leashed at all times when taken outside the homeowner’s premises including sidewalks, roads, or houses without fence, and public or common areas. The leash should be non-extendable, and should not exceed 2.0 meters in length.


7. Within The Premises

Pet owners must ensure that all their residential gates or premises are properly secured to prevent their pets from escaping to common areas.


8. Cage Location

Cage areas must be within the owner’s premises. Dogs kept on leash must also be situated within the premises. No dog cage or leashed dogs may be located in the front lawn of the house or garages in residences without a front fence.


9. Noise

Owners must ensure that their pets do not disturb nearby neighbors with excessive barking. No person shall allow the continuous barking, yelping, whining or howling of a dog, such that the situation becomes a nuisance to the public.


10. Stray

Unleashed dogs or cats roaming the streets shall be considered stray and will be taken into custody by the security guards. Stray pets may be redeemed after paying the appropriate penalties. All stray dogs or cats caught will be turned over to the Mandaue City Health for proper disposition.


11. Tenants

Tenants who wish to keep pets as defined in the Almiya Pet Policy are required to present prior written consent from the lot and/or homeowner to the AHAI Administration.


12. Pet Population

Each house or residence is allowed no more than two (2) adult dogs. For the purpose of these rules, a dog that is more than six (6) months old shall be considered an adult. 

13. Breeding

Commercial breeding of any animal is prohibited.


14. Clean-As-You-Go

All pet droppings must immediately be picked up, bagged and disposed of in proper cans or dumpsters. Residents and tenants shall be held responsible for (a) injury to person or property caused by pet(s) within his possession and (b) cleaning of any pet dropping produced in the common areas. Persons authorized to walk the pets must carry adequate Scooper, tissue paper and/or receptacles of the pet droppings.

Use either a poo bag or paper towels to pick up poop. Once you have removed the bulk of the mess, you can follow up with tissue to wipe or gently blot away (not rub it in) the rest of the residue.














15. No Trespassing

Pets of any kind are not allowed within the clubhouse, swimming pool, basketball court, common parking area, park and/or landscaped areas. 


16. Penalties

Any violation of these rules shall incur a fine as indicated in the Table of Penalties per occurrence. Once three (3) violations of any nature are committed, the matter shall be elevated to the Board for its evaluation and disposition.


The AHAI Administration shall be authorized to conduct an investigation about any incident involving a pet in the premises resulting in injury or damage irrespective of whether the particular pet is leased or restrained. The results of any investigation shall be submitted to the Board for evaluation. Furthermore, the AHAI Administration reserves the right to remove the pet of the offending homeowner from the Almiya community upon the findings of the investigation.


The Association likewise reserves the right to require a pet owner to be removed from the complex or the village any pet that has been the subject of a written complaint from two or more residents and multiple complaints based on the violation of rules as outlined. Likewise, the same applies to pets that the Association finds to be a nuisance or danger to the community. The Board reserves the right to evaluate these complaints.

Memorandums will be issued for offenses committed. Said memorandums will detail the offense(s). It shall also contain the name of the pet and the ID number, where applicable.


REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9482 “Anti-Rabies Act of 2007”
Sec. 11. Penalties. -
(1) Pet Owners who fail or refuse to have their Dog registered and immunized against Rabies shall be punished by a fine of Two thousand pesos (P2,000.00).
(2) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog vaccinated against Rabies shall be liable to pay for the vaccination of both the Dog and the individuals Bitten by their Dog.
(3) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog put under observation after said Dog has Bitten an individual shall be meted a fine of Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00).
(4) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog put under observation and do not shoulder the medical expenses of the person bitten by their Dog shall be meted a fine of Twenty-five thousand pesos (P25,000.00).
(5) Pet Owners who refuse to put leash on their Dogs when they are brought outside the house shall be meted a fine of Five hundred pesos (P500.00) for each incident.
(6) An impounded Dog shall be released to its Owner upon payment of a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) but not more than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00).


17.  Table of Penalties per occurrence
Almiy aPet ID.png

AHAI Board of Directors/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any time without notice.

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